"Queen of Massacre" 69 3rd high school girl

This post is a free part of what was posted on the Japanese creator support site “Ci-en”. If you want to see the latest production progress on the paid part, visit Ci-en.

Production progress report

 Since the last article update, there has been a period of about a week in which I couldn’t work , and progress has been delayed.  We are continuing to produce the basic images of the enemy characters this time as well. The drawing is third high school girl.

(The person in the center is the one I’m currently drawing)

 Although this image is almost complete, there are still some parts that are incomplete and some that need to be corrected. Originally, it should be shown after it is completed, but since today is the end of the month, I am forced to show the work in progress. Although it is incomplete, I feel that it is becoming a very attractive character, although it is truly a self-praise.

New attempt

 Closing up the character’s face this time, it will look like this.

 In addition to the moles, the texture of the skin surface, including irregularities and pigmentation, has been drawn in detail.  We have been working on the irregularities of the skin since the early days of “Queen of Massacre”, so it is not new.

 However, this time, I decided to draw the texture of the skin surface not only on the face, but also on the whole body.

 I believe that I was able to draw a character with a very realistic sense of existence.  However, it is drawn by a method of creating pseudo-texture tiles and is not very elaborate. Therefore, it is impossible to expect precision that perfectly matches the curvature of the three-dimensional body, and it is necessary to thoroughly study this area in the future.  The free article will be a partial introduction, but I would like to post full-body and naked high-resolution images in the paid article.

Image production work distribution

 As I suggested in the previous article, we actually used pixivSketch to deliver the drawing work several times. I believe all of these have been implemented without any problems.  Although there were no comments, it seems that only a few people came to view it. I don’t think there are many people who have watched it carefully from beginning to end, but I would appreciate it if you could come even if it was only for a moment. As long as it’s not vandalism, I’m very welcome to talk with the viewers, so if you feel like it, I’d appreciate it if you could leave a comment.  However, the date and time of future implementation are undecided, and I will do it when I feel like it, so please understand.

D’sProduction’s pixivSketch

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 Below is a distribution digest written using pixivSketch’s timelapse function. Please be careful of screen sickness because the screen movement is intense. I tend to scale and rotate images quite often when drawing, but when working in real time, of course, I do it a little more slowly.

▲ I am correcting and drawing the skirt and drawing the socks.

▲ Drawing of loafers.

Discord server “D Dictatorship Policy Research Institute”  We are always looking for participants to join our Discord server.

 In the paid article of Ci-en, you can see the entirety of the latest production images.

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